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  • Writer's pictureBrynn Paulin

Order Up!!

Happy Monday!!! Happy last (partial) week of April! Of course, it might be a full week of April for you. I just happen to count the end of my week as Sunday and not Saturday.

So as we approach May, I thought I'd update you on what to expect in May as far as book releases go.

First...a book that's PRE-May. Bad Boy Bandleader should release tonight--possibly tomorrow morning, depending on how long uploads take to go live.

Finally, we get to see Lottie and Ryder's story! Reader beware: while the event that caused Lottie to go on the run is drama with her stepmother, it doesn't play a huge part in this book. If you read Bee's book, you know that the stepmother drama was wrapped up pretty tight in that particular story, so rather than rehash it, I've gone a fresh direction.

Next up will be Waiting for You. It will become Book 3 in the Wellston series. I am flipping it with Rule Breaker. Rule Breaker will be Book 4 of the series.

Waiting for You is going to hit on some touchy subjects. Sexual abuse (completely off-screen!), recovery, physical abuse from a female toward...well, everyone. The fact that this coincides with the Johnny Depp trial blows my mind. This book has been scheduled with this topic for months and months. Mars and Reba will bring the heat, too! If you've read Step Challenge, you know that this is an older woman/younger man book, as well.

Directly after that, I'll have a Yours Everlasting Series book: Fling With the Secret Sheik. As you might guess, it will be fun and sexy. A little bit of a Cinderella story with the ordinary girl falling for the prince, of sorts.

Get ready for a beach-holiday read. She thinks it's just a vacation fling and he's determined it will be more.

I've never written a sheik, though I've read more than my share of them. This book was a fun challenge (and I'm in love!) Will I write more sheiks? Guess we'll have to see. I never rule out anything.

Are you ready for the surprise?

Are you sure?

This is one you've been waiting for. LATE in May, I'm committing to:

Tip of the Day: If they want to leave, let them. If they push you away, go. You weren’t put on this earth to convince anyone of your worth.

Quote of the Day: We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us. (Virginia Satir)

Something I Learned Today: A snail can sleep for three years. (something I wish I could do on some Monday mornings, LOL)

Lots of Love,

~~ Brynn

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