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  • Writer's pictureBrynn Paulin

Romance Writers Weekly - Games

I mentioned last week that I would be starting Tuesday posts as part of a blog hop with Romance Writers Weekly, which I'm super excited for. This week on the hop we are discussing:

What is your favorite game? Is it because you usually win or because it challenges you every time?

I'm going to answer this two ways.

  1. Scrabble...always scrabble. And it's playing against my mom. To say it's a challenge is an understatement. Generally, she kicks my butt at it. But we love to play and sometimes I win. Recently, I posted about this game in my reader's group Brynn's Place on Facebook. April 13th is National Scrabble Day. In the post, I mentioned that my parents started me on the game when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. And kudos to them because it had to be painful for two such intelligent people to be playing against a little kid who thought C-A-T-S was a brilliant play. But I did indeed learn. One of the group members mentioned that she plays with her mom regularly and they keep track of their scores for the year and it's a penny a point to the winner. Brilliant!

  2. The other game is Hunt a Killer. It's basically a subscription service where you spend a couple hours playing through episodes (six of them, if I'm remembering correctly) and ultimately determine who the murderer is. There's a different objective for each episode until you ultimately figure out whodunnit in the last one. We love it.

Make sure you hit up the next person in the hop, Jill Haymaker! Here's Jill's link.

What else is happening? If you missed it, I hit book 150 last week. Yep, I published my 150th book! (AHHHHHHHH!)

I was so caught up in all the Sweet Obsession hoopla, I almost missed it. Nonetheless, it will forever stand as my 150th book.

Tip of the day: enjoy experiences more than things.

Quote of the day: The boisterous sea of liberty is never without a wave. (Thomas Jefferson)

Thing I learned today: King Tut was mummified with a certain part of him at a 90 degree angle to his body (AKA erect). No one knows exactly why. Said small part actually went missing for a time, and it was thought that the Egyptian government might have stolen it to preserve the pharaoh's dignity. But the missing appendage was found in the dust surrounding the mummy when some tests were done. I cannot verify that it was return to it's original location. To date, no other mummy has been found preserved erect this way. You are welcome!

Have a great one!! And don't forget to keep hopping. Go visit Jill Haymaker to get her take on this topic.


Check out these books:

What if the past catches up with you just when you’re starting a new life?

Lorelei Grant, recently widowed, can’t believe that her best friend Charlotte wants to leave their hometown in Kansas and move to Aspen Ridge, a tiny, mountain town in Colorado and buy a gift shop. Is she crazy? Despite her hesitation, Charlotte wears her down, and they make the move.

Remington Hunt has always been a loner, content to live out his life in the mountains with his dog, Grizwold. That is until two ladies buy the gift shop next to his own gun shop. There’s just something about the redhead that has him reconsidering his hermit lifestyle.

Just when these two unlikely people start to put aside their differences and develop romantic feelings for each other, a past that Lorelei isn’t proud of catches up with her. People she’d put behind her from over thirty years ago, suddenly become real and threaten everything she’s started to build.

Can Lori overcome past mistakes and find a way to not only love, but also forgiveness? Sometimes the person who is the hardest to forgive is yourself.



I never dreamed my small curatives shop in Windsor, England would attract the attention of war hero Sir William Meriwether. My feminine heart is aflutter when he enters. But I'm a witch and a healer, and he's a man in pain, so I heal him. Desperate to do him a good service, I stretch my powers to the limit—or perhaps beyond. Somehow, in curing his ailing leg, I unleash powers inside William. At a loss to stop what's begun, I'm forced to seek assistance from the coven I've sworn never to join. I dread the encounter, but for William's sake, I put my family's hatred aside. Getting to spend more time with William is an added enticement.


I'm mesmerized by Esme O'Dwyer from the moment I lay eyes on her. Despite our different stations in society, I want something more personal than any restorative tea she might offer. As a gentleman, I contain those baser needs and accept her assistance to ease the pain in my leg. When the alluring witch's touch bestows me with magic of my own, I want no part of it. But the coven's leaders insist magic never makes mistakes, and for this to have happened, I must be needed. I've never been one to shy away from duty, and being secluded for training with Esme is magical in more ways than one.


Trouble is coming to Windsor. The signs are all there. The race is on to train William as a witch before his power is needed, but our growing attraction is as undeniable as the battle that lies ahead.

Bad Boy Bandleader by ME: Coming your way on Thursday!


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