Welcome to Tuesday's Daily Joe! It's Twitter Tuesday, the day I bring you things that caught my interest on Twitter, usually with commentary.
Caveats: 1. These aren't from today, since I write a few days ahead. 2. These are just a few things that caught my eye. It's certainly not going to be newsy. And even if something political catches my eye, I'll probably skip it. This is going to be more about fun and interesting than about a platform.
This week's quote to live by:
Perseverance, secret of all triumphs -- Victor Hugo
So here's what's catching my eye:
So...there is a long history of Diana movies being giant flops. Steven Knight is trying to break that curse. I'm thinking that the epic success of The Crown will help him along that journey.
He also says that "All the things in the film that seem least believable are true." Like that Kristen Stewart is playing Diana. Okay, okay, I said the last part. Also, the movie's writer reports that they had a terrible time casting the role because of people worrying what the response to the film would be.
The final thing I pulled out is something he revealed about holidays at Sandringham where apparently (allegedly?) royals sit on antique scales before departing to reveal how much they've indulged while there. He said: It was as if all her [Diana's] demons had been invited.
That kind of seems like a nightmare to me!

KUDOS To Col. Wang Yaping and BOOOOOOOO to all the people who've brought it back to 'OMG let's remind her she's a woman and that she's got other "women" things to worry about.' The audacity. Let's applaud this smart, capable, landmark astronaut for her accomplishments! Way to go Space Walker!

I promise all my highlights didn't come from the Telegraph. Also, memo to me: don't pull highlights on Sundays. It's ALL sports ALL the time.
But back to Diana. Insiders say that she'd be horrified by how she's being portrayed in media right now. I think it's fair to say there is A LOT of coverage by the Diana biopics. And honestly, I think it's safe to say that most of us would be horrified by out highlight reels (or low-light) being blasted across the silver screens.

Best costume goes to this adorable pupper!!! We need some cute!!!

This one is actually history and science. Considered a titan in the world of meteorology, fifty years ago, Ted Fujita, AKA Mr. Tornado, developed the scale we us today to rate storms. Cool, huh?

Books and Authors
On this day in history (10/24 actually) this pioneer's essay about the limits faced by female writers was published. She began to write professionally in 1900 when she was 18, though her first novel wasn't published until 1915 by Gerald Duckworth and Company Ltd (a publisher). Notably, to me anyway, she didn't marry until almost thirty-one, which definitely wasn't the norm at that time. She and her husband founded the Hogarth Press.

Just for a laugh, since there's too much "serious" today.

And also....

Okay, the caption on this one truly says everything but oh my goodness I wouldn't have even thought King Louis XV would even care about that. 4000 midwives trained! And countless lives saved due to this.
Following up on this though: some things about Louis XV:
He was known as Louis the Beloved
He came to the throne, succeeding his great-grandfather (not his father or grandfather) at the age of 5 (!!!) but he actually started reigning at 13.
His ineffectual rule, is considered to be a contributing factor to the French Revolution (which occurred years after his death.
And some things about Angelique du Coudray:
She graduated from the College of Surgery École de Chirurgie in Paris just before schools started barring women from gaining instruction in midwifery (NOW HOLD UP... this might sound crazy *cough congress* men deciding about women's health, but it happened). She went to battle for midwives receiving training and as a result, eventually they did. Yay Angelique!!
She was appointed as the head midwife at Parisian Hôtel Dieu Hospital.
She personally met with Louis XV when he became concerned about France's declining population.
She created a contraction called "the machine", a life-size obstetrical mannequin to teach students.

A better pic of "the machine because I'm a history geek:
it had various straps and whatnot to simulate all matter of birth situations. To say this midwife was a hero is definitely an understatement.
So...finally...I get that this is talking about antiquities, but...there's a cat. It seems kinda like they should mention why there's a cat and why it's climbing out of this thing. I need more info... Um guys...this is the only picture you could get of this? No? Then why be all casual and slip in the one with the CAT with no sidebar???

Have a great Tuesday!!!
Today, October 26, 2021
I'm working on Soldier today and firming up my 2022 plans. This weekend, I nailed down my Sweetville plans for next year. I will have 4. They'll release on Feb. 22, Jun. 22, Sep. 22, and Dec. 22.
In addition to this writing and planning, I'll be uploaded books to Barnes and Noble, Kobo and iBooks today. These are some titles that were previously only available on Amazon. As the next few days go on, I'll let you know the names of the newly uploaded books on these vendors.