It's 3 degrees (Fahrenheit) this morning. The dog is not playing when I put her outside. Out Done In. No lie, I feel that way too. Remind me why I live someplace where the air makes my face hurt.
Oh, right... family, four seasons and the snow is pretty.
Small secret: I actually love snow. As long as I'm not driving in it. I'm a good snow driver, but I hate it. But I have this secret bubble of joy inside me when I stand at my office window, cup of coffee in my hand and watch the big fluffy flakes coming down. Hearing we got a foot and a half of snow excites me. But I will never admit it, so don't tell!
There are certain things that I write about a lot in my book. Characters aside, these things are Michigan, New York, homes or vacation spots that are near bodies of water, trees, snow... I've never taken the time to really analyze it, but these are some of my favorite things.
I love the brightness snow brings and how it dulls sound. Have you ever noticed that? How quiet it is after a big snowfall? I live in a busy area, but after a good snowfall, you can go outside and the quiet... It's peaceful.
And I love putting characters in the snow (and nature) for these reasons. Experiencing the quiet of walking through the trees or taking a stroll on a snowy cold day brings peace and sparks my creativity. I think it's because it allows me to quiet. To think. To appreciate the world.
My heroes and heroines often need to slow down or take some time to get quiet inside so they can think too. So they'll be walking along (or in) the water, playing in the snow (and sometimes getting stranded in it) or getting close to nature in other ways. It's my way of getting them to find their inner voice, even if I don't show it on the page.

Today, Feb. 10, 2021
Bellamy, my heroine of Vampire Bait, is looking for some inner peace as I continue to work on that book. A main character in my secret book might be finding some answers along the shore of an island retreat. And Harrison and Bronte, of Geek Charming, will be having some fun in the snow.
Stay safe and warm, loves! Talk soon!
~~ Brynn