Wake up! Wake up! It's MONDAY!!
I used to hate Mondays. Now, I don't. Now, I find reasons to like Monday. Every day of the week has its valleys. But you've gotta look for some joy all over the calendar.
Want to know a great reason not to hate Mondays? If you live to be seventy years old, ten years of your life will be spent on a Monday. I don't know about you, but I don't want to spend ten years being sour.
That's your deep thought of the day.
Ten. Years. Monday.
Let's all have another cup of Joe and seize the day!
Today, July 15, 2019
Hey guess what! This is the week. On Friday, Reclaiming Love will be hitting Kindles everywhere! I'm so excited for you to read about Savannah and Jordan! There's still time to pre-order it from Amazon.

This week, I'm finishing up work on my joint project with Dakota Rebel, The Billionaire's Christmas Cruise, and also working on the second draft of my next Billionaire Club book. I'll be completing my revision on Holiday Bound. And working on the long awaited In My Chains--no, I didn't forget about it. In fact, it has a release date of 10/24/19. So yeah, a bazillion pans in the fire this week.
Don't miss my Facebook Live with Dakota Rebel on Wednesday at 7:00 PM. We'll be on my Facebook page again, and I'll have Dakota in the hot seat for our next installment of rapid-fire Christmas in July.
Have a great day!!
~~ Brynn